Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Chalet Arts is Starkville's winter workshop for framing!

Chalet Arts loves this time of year for many reasons including the wonderful artwork that folks bring in for framing! We have framed some amazing pieces, many of which will be given as gifts this season. We can't share all the photos right now, because we would be giving away secrets! But, here is small sample of some pieces we've framed recently!!

Wolves! WOW!

Loren Moffitt posing with a beautifully framed opera poster!

College memories! 

MSU Alumnus Magazine articles look great framed!

A beautiful and unique painting! 

Watercolor paintings are enhanced with the right frame and mat!

A couple more beautiful watercolors!

A moment captured

Classic winter scene

Chalet owner Mark Wood pointing toward a lovely wrapped canvas

A happy customer!!